WebhookMessage Library
The WebhookMessage Library was built to make it easier to create JSON messages for TradingView strategies and indicators.
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// © TradersPostInc
// @description The webhook message library provides several functions for building JSON payloads
library("WebhookMessageLibrary", overlay = true)
// @type Constants for payload values.
// @field <string> ACTION_BUY buy - Exit bearish position and optionally open bullish position. Used in webhookMessage.action.
// @field <string> ACTION_SELL sell - Exit bullish position and optionally open bearish position. Used in webhookMessage.action.
// @field <string> ACTION_EXIT exit - Exit open position without entering a new position on the other side. Used in webhookMessage.action.
// @field <string> ACTION_CANCEL cancel - Cancel open orders. Used in webhookMessage.action.
// @field <string> ACTION_ADD add - Add to existing open position. Used in webhookMessage.action.
// @field <string> SENTIMENT_BULLISH bullish - Open position after trade is executed should be bullish or flat. Used in webhookMessage.sentiment.
// @field <string> SENTIMENT_BEARISH bearish - Open position after trade is executed should be bearish or flat. Used in webhookMessage.sentiment.
// @field <string> SENTIMENT_FLAT flat - No position should be open after trade is executed. Used in webhookMessage.sentiment.
// @field <string> Stop loss type of market stop. Used in stopLossMessage.type.
// @field <string> Stop loss type of limit stop. Used in stopLossMessage.type.
// @field <string> Stop loss type of trailing stop. Used in stopLossMessage.type.
export type CONSTANTS
ACTION_BUY = "buy"
ACTION_SELL = "sell"
ACTION_EXIT = "exit"
ACTION_CANCEL = "cancel"
ACTION_ADD = "add"
// @type Final webhook message.
// @field <string> ticker The ticker symbol name. Example: SPY.
// @field <string> action The signal action. Supported values are buy, sell, exit, cancel or add.
// @field <string> sentiment bullish, bearish, or flat.
// @field <float> price The price of the buy or sell action. If you omit this value, the current market price will be used when the trade is executed.
// @field <int> quantity The quantity to enter. If you omit this value, the quantity will be dynamically calculated or defaulted to 1.
// @field <takeProfitMessage> takeProfit. See takeProfitMessage.
// @field <stopLossMessage> stopLoss. See stopLossMessage.
export type webhookMessage
string ticker
string action
string sentiment
float price
int quantity
string takeProfit = ""
string stopLoss = ""
// @type Take profit message.
// @field <string> limitPrice Absolute limit price calculated on the webhook sender side.
// @field <float> percent Relative percentage take profit to calculate relative to entry price. The entry price for market orders is estimated based on the mid point between the bid and ask on the most recent quote.
// @field <float> amount Relative dollar amount take profit to calculate relative to entry price. The entry price for market orders is estimated based on the mid point between the bid and ask on the most recent quote.
export type takeProfitMessage
float limitPrice
float percent
float amount
// @type Stop loss message.
// @field <string> type Type of stop loss. If a value is provided, it overrides the stop loss type configured in strategy subscription settings. Allowed values are: stop, stop_limit, trailing_stop.
// @field <float> percent Relative percentage stop loss to calculate relative to entry price.
// @field <float> amount Relative dollar amount stop loss to calculate relative to entry price.
// @field <float> stopPrice Absolute stop price calculated on the webhook sender side.
// @field <float> limitPrice Absolute limit price calculated on the webhook sender side. type must be set to stop_limit to use this field.
// @field <float> trailPrice A dollar value away from the highest water mark. If you set this to 2.00 for a sell trailing stop, the stop price is always hwm - 2.00. type must be set to trailing_stop to use this field.
// @field <float> trailPercent A percent value away from the highest water mark. If you set this to 1.0 for a sell trailing stop, the stop price is always hwm * 0.99. type must be set to trailing_stop to use this field.
export type stopLossMessage
string type
float percent
float amount
float stopPrice
float limitPrice
float trailPrice
float trailPercent
// @function Builds the final JSON payload from a webhookMessage type.
// @param msg (webhookMessage) A prepared webhookMessage.
// @returns <string> A JSON Payload.
export method buildWebhookJson(webhookMessage msg, CONSTANTS constants = na) =>
cnst = na(constants) ? CONSTANTS.new() : constants
json = "{"
json += '"library": "WebhookMessage"'
json += ',"timestamp": "' + str.tostring(time) + '"'
json += ',"ticker": "' + (msg.ticker == "" ? syminfo.ticker : msg.ticker) + '"'
// action
json += ',"action": "' + msg.action + '"'
// sentiment
if (msg.sentiment == cnst.SENTIMENT_BULLISH or msg.sentiment == cnst.SENTIMENT_BEARISH or msg.sentiment == cnst.SENTIMENT_LONG or msg.sentiment == cnst.SENTIMENT_SHORT or msg.sentiment == cnst.SENTIMENT_FLAT)
json += ',"sentiment": "' + msg.sentiment + '"'
// price
json += msg.price > 0 ? ',"price": ' + str.tostring(msg.price) : ""
// quantity
json += msg.quantity > 0 ? ',"quantity": ' + str.tostring(msg.quantity) : ""
// takeProfit
if (msg.takeProfit != "")
json += ',"takeProfit":' + msg.takeProfit
// stopLoss
if (msg.stopLoss != "")
json += ',"stopLoss":' + msg.stopLoss
json += "}"
// @function Builds the takeProfit JSON message to be used in a webhook message.
// @param msg (takeProfitMessage)
// @returns <string> A JSON takeProfit payload.
export method buildTakeProfitJson(takeProfitMessage msg) =>
json = '{'
json += na(msg.limitPrice) ? "" : '"limitPrice": ' + str.tostring(msg.limitPrice)
json += na(msg.percent) ? "" : '"percent": ' + str.tostring(msg.percent)
json += na(msg.amount) ? "" : '"amount": ' + str.tostring(msg.amount)
json += "}"
/// @function Builds the stopLoss JSON message to be used in a webhook message.
// @param msg (stopLossMessage)
// @returns <string> A JSON stopLoss payload.
export method buildStopLossJson(stopLossMessage msg, CONSTANTS constants = na) =>
cnst = na(constants) ? CONSTANTS.new() : constants
//overload type message if not configured properly
if (not na(msg.limitPrice) and msg.type != cnst.STOP_LOSS_TYPE_STOP_LIMIT)
msg.type := cnst.STOP_LOSS_TYPE_STOP_LIMIT
if (not na(msg.trailPrice) or not na(msg.trailPercent) and msg.type != cnst.STOP_LOSS_TYPE_TRAILING_STOP)
json = '{'
messages = array.new_string(0)
if (na(msg.type) == false)
array.push(messages, '"type": "' + msg.type + '"')
if (na(msg.percent) == false)
array.push(messages, '"percent": ' + str.tostring(msg.percent))
if (na(msg.amount) == false)
array.push(messages, '"amount": ' + str.tostring(msg.amount))
if (na(msg.stopPrice) == false)
array.push(messages, '"stopPrice": ' + str.tostring(msg.stopPrice))
if (na(msg.limitPrice) == false)
array.push(messages, '"limitPrice": ' + str.tostring(msg.limitPrice))
if (na(msg.trailPrice) == false)
array.push(messages, '"trailPrice": ' + str.tostring(msg.trailPrice))
if (na(msg.trailPercent) == false)
array.push(messages, '"trailPercent": ' + str.tostring(msg.trailPercent))
json += array.join(messages, ",")
json += "}"
// tp = takeProfitMessage.new(percent = 2).buildTakeProfitJson()
// sl = stopLossMessage.new(type = STOP_LOSS_TYPE_TRAILING_STOP, percent = 0.75).buildStopLossJson()
// msg = webhookMessage.new(ticker = syminfo.ticker, action = ACTION_BUY, sentiment = SENTIMENT_BULLISH, quantity = 1, takeProfit = tp, stopLoss = sl)
// msg2 = webhookMessage.new(
// ticker = syminfo.ticker,
// action = ACTION_SELL,
// sentiment = SENTIMENT_BEARISH,
// quantity = 1,
// stopLoss = stopLossMessage.new(type = STOP_LOSS_TYPE_TRAILING_STOP, percent = 0.75).buildStopLossJson()
// )
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