
The Webull integration is generally available for all TradersPost customers. Please remember that this integration is in BETA and you may experience issues that we have not discovered yet. It is recommended to test with small position size first. If you have any issues or questions, please email us at support@traderspost.io

Contact Information

Email: customerservices@webull.us

Phone: +1 (888) 828-0618

Supported Asset Classes

  • Stocks

Market Data

Webull does not yet provide access to market data through their API, so the we use market data from Polygon at no additional charge to you.


Webull accounts can be connected to TradersPost manually by getting an access token from Webull. Unfortunately, Webull has not yet implemented OAuth with refresh tokens so you will need to manually do this and when the token expires, you will have to repeat the manual steps again to reconnect Webull to TradersPost.

To get started, first go to Webull.com and login. Once logged in, click your profile icon at the top right and then click My Account from the menu.

Webull.com homepage

Now click API Management in the left menu and then click Register an API Application.

Webull API Management

If the API Management link is missing from the left menu, please contact Webull support at api@webull.com to enable it for you. It is not activated by default.

Follow the steps to register your API application and afterwards you should land on a screen like this. Click Revise and change the expiry date from 1 day to 7 days.

Webull API Management

Change the App Secret Expiry Date from 1d to 7d.

Now click Generate Key and follow the steps to generate an API key. Copy this information and store it somewhere secure in a password manager like 1password.

Once you have your API Key and Secret, head over to TradersPost and click Brokers, then click Connect Live, choose Webull from the list of available brokers, paste your api key and secret in the form and click Save.

TradersPost Connect Webull

Last updated