Upcoming Release

The items in this release are not in production yet.

Merging Webhooks and Strategies

We are streamlining the Webhooks section by integrating it into the Strategies section. The Webhooks Logs feature has been moved to Strategies and renamed Trades. Similarly, the Send Request feature has been relocated to Strategies and renamed Submit Trade. It is recommended that each each strategy only have one webhook, and you can manage all webhook functions directly from the strategy interface, simplifying the process and improving ease of use.

Execution Summary

Enhance the strategy trade screen with a summary of all executed trades, providing strategy owners with a clear, high-level overview of trades executed in response to signals. For any trades marked as 'Failed,' users can click on the status to view detailed reasons for each failure, along with counts for each failure type.

Strategy Access Management Improvements

Enhance the user experience in the Strategies > Access section by allowing bulk management of access to a strategy. Users can now add or remove multiple people at once, streamlining the process and eliminating the need to manage each person individually.

Improve Application Menu

Enhance the menu and navigation to ensure consistency and stability across the application. We've also introduced expanded dropdown menus for Strategies, Subscriptions, Webhooks, and Brokers, allowing for quicker and more efficient access to all sections.

Search Notifications

Introducing the ability to search your notifications with ease. The search filters you apply are now remembered, and you can reset them by clicking the Clear button at the top right of the notifications list. This feature is particularly useful as it retains your filters when you return to your notifications after viewing a trade.

Search Broker Logs

Add the ability to search on the Broker > Logs page to make it easier to find specific API calls that TradersPost made to your broker when executing trades.

Improve Subscription Trade Screen

We’ve enhanced the UX of the subscription trade screen by collapsing less important sections to reduce visual clutter. These sections can be easily expanded with a click, allowing you to view their details at any time. Additionally, we’ve introduced detailed timing breakdowns for each step in the trade execution process, making it easier to pinpoint which stages took the most time.

Slippage Insights

We’ve added a new section to the Subscription Trade screen, allowing you to easily compare the various prices involved in trade execution. This feature helps you see how much slippage occurred from the moment your trade was triggered to when it was executed and filled by the broker.

Price Drift

We’ve added a Price Drift feature that allows you to quickly see how much the price has moved from the initial signal price to the current market price. This helps you easily compare the signal price to the last traded price, providing better insight into how much the market has shifted since the trade signal was sent and received.

Auto Refresh Webhook JSON Preview

When manually submitting a trade via Strategies > Submit Trade, the webhook JSON preview updates in real-time as you modify the form. This feature is designed to help you better understand the JSON structure for various scenarios supported by TradersPost. Additionally, the preview remains fixed at the top of the screen as you scroll through the form, ensuring it is always accessible.

We’ve also added the ability to manually submit a trade using raw JSON, bypassing the form entirely. This feature is especially useful for validating the accuracy of your JSON payload.

New Strategy Fields

We've introduced two new fields to the strategy form: Style and Allow Auto Submit. Below, you'll find detailed information about these fields, along with a screenshot for reference.


We’ve added a new Style field to strategies, offering two options: Systematic and Discretionary. Currently, this field is used for data collection to better understand how users are leveraging TradersPost. In future updates, we plan to incorporate this field into new features, particularly to enhance support for discretionary traders.

Allow Auto Submit

In this release, we've introduced a new setting called Allow Auto Submit, which is enabled by default. By unchecking this option, you can prevent auto submission for a strategy. This feature is particularly useful for discretionary trading strategies where auto submission is not desired.

Trade Expiration and Message

The webhook JSON now includes two optional fields: message and expiresAt. These fields are displayed to users on the subscription trade page. While the expiresAt field doesn’t prevent users from submitting trades, it allows strategy owners to indicate the trade's validity duration.

The expiresAt field supports relative times, such as +5 minutes or +1 hour, with the expiration date and time calculated dynamically from when the trade is received.

    "ticker": "TSLA",
    "action": "buy",
    "price": 420.69,
    "message": "TSLA IS A GOOD BUY AT THIS PRICE",
    "expiresAt": "+5 minutes"

Improve Submit Trade Preview

When manually submitting a trade to a strategy, a message will now display the number of subscriptions that will be triggered as a result of the trade.

Copy to Clipboard Improvements

We've enhanced the Copy to Clipboard button and integrated it throughout the application. This feature is now available wherever there is JSON or other information, allowing you to easily copy debug data to your clipboard with a single click.

Mobile Improvements

This release includes several minor enhancements aimed at improving the user experience on mobile browsers, making the interface smoother, more polished, and more functional.

Mobile Search Improvements

We’ve improved the mobile experience for the search functionality across Notifications, Strategies, Subscriptions, and other sections, making it smoother and more responsive.

Improved Ticker Symbol Format Validation

We enhanced ticker symbol validation across the application to ensure more accurate format checks and provide clearer error messages when the symbol format is invalid.

Continuous Contract Symbol Validation

We’ve added validation to disallow continuous contract symbols in the list of allowed tickers for strategies or subscriptions. Using continuous contracts like MNQ1! will prevent trades from executing, regardless of the ticker sent through the webhook. Instead, specify the exact contract, such as MNQZ2024, or use MNQ to allow any MNQ contract. This update clarifies the current limitations of our system and aims to make TradersPost's behavior clearer.

Added Audit Log Shortcut

We added a convenient shortcut to access the audit log for any strategy, subscription, or similar entity. Simply click the new three-dot dropdown menu and select Audit Log to be taken directly to the audit log for that specific entity.

Improved Confirmation Modal Styling

We’ve updated the styling of action confirmation modals to provide more descriptive messaging tailored to each specific action. Additionally, we’ve removed the double confirmation checkbox from all modals, except for delete actions, streamlining the process while ensuring important actions like deletions still require extra confirmation.

Crypto Strategies Default to Fractional Quantity

We now default crypto strategies to have Use fractional quantities enabled. Previously, this setting was disabled by default, requiring whole number quantities. Enabling fractional quantities by default better aligns with typical crypto trading practices and offers greater flexibility for traders.

Max Strategy Subscriptions

We’ve implemented a system-wide limit of 200 active strategy subscriptions per strategy. While this limit helps ensure platform stability as we scale, we plan to increase it in the future. If you encounter this limit, please reach out to us at support@traderspost.io.

Performance Improvements

We've significantly enhanced our trade queuing infrastructure, allowing trades to begin execution in approximately 100ms or less with greater consistency. Additionally, we’ve improved our integration with broker APIs by making more requests asynchronously, which reduces the time it takes to plan and execute trades, resulting in faster and more efficient trade processing.

Last updated